Scholarship Recipients 2013-2014
Jacqueline Noyes
Jacqueline Noyes is a member of the Verona High School Class of 2013. Her mom battled with breast cancer for nearly 8 years, had a recurrence about 3 more times and had multiple complications along the way. Jacqueline was seven years old. Her mother’s strength inspires her to make a difference. Jacqueline is currently interested in the study of genetics. She is taking part in genetic research regarding cancer and other harmful genes. Her mom has the mutated BRCA gene and because of that, the constant thought of breast cancer and her mom’s battle is always on her mind. This has brought her family even closer together. |
Michael Harrington Jr
.Michael Harrington Jr. is a member of the Verona High School Class of 2013. His mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2011. Michael was very concerned about his mom, however, just like a survivor, she did her best to keep their family life as stable and normal as possible. Michael asked his football coach if the team could wear pink gloves and the coach said yes. This was just the beginning. The Verona High School football team wears more than pink gloves in October, now, they adorn themselves with pink socks and ribbons. Thanks to Michael, the awareness continues to spread. His mom has won her battle with Breast Cancer and is a “Survivor” and she has been named the honorary captain of the football team. Every October, she gets to toss the game starting coin. Michael continues to fundraise for area community breast cancer organizations and we hope that he adds AAngelsNJ to his list. |
Biancia Malone
Biancia Malone is a member of the Orange High School Class of 2013. Her great aunt was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when she was in her 80’s and lived as a survivor for another 5 years. She was a dedicated and compassionate person. Biancia believes because of the money raised and the work of community organizations such as AAngels, the lives of her aunt and others like her are prolonged because of research and support. Biancia’s grandmother discovered a lump in her breast and thankfully it was not malignant. Biancia hopes to raise a lot of money for breast cancer research and help eradicate this disease that infects so many women. |
Ryan Elie
Ryan Elie is a member of the Cicely Tyson High School for Performing Arts Class of 2013. Ryan’s grandmother and two aunts all were diagnosed with breast cancer and succumbed to the disease. For Ryan, it was a very difficult time. As a result, he has an internal goal to be as involved as possible with any breast cancer awareness initiatives in any way possible. Ryan has committed himself to walk each year during the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk and to raise much needed awareness in regards to breast cancer |